The smallest footprint for this “Spill Back” series is just 500 x 1140mm and with a fully enclosed controls case, incorporating twin
pressurisation pumps it is clean, convenient and simple to install.
By using the spill and fill principal, a very low working pressure can be maintained in a heating or chilled water system. Should
pressure fall below the cold fill level, the unit will automatically restore the correct pressure. The two pumps alternate duty after every start to ensure even wear and pulse periodically to prevent seizure. The unit is controlled by the 2020plus micro-processor for long term accuracy, reliability and full BMS interface facility.
Key features
- Boiler ratings up to 3500kW at 82 C
- Heating system contents to 35,000 litres at 82C
- Chiller ratings up to 9000kW at 30C
- Control vessels tested to BS EN13831: 2007-max working pressure 10 bar
- Manufactured to latest CE requirements ISO9001 quality assurance.